Sailing Saturday


Sailing allows us to get into the sea and to take advantage of all its leisure possibilities. Open spaces, full of nature and life that pass unnoticed in the day to day. We offer you the possibility to do sport at the sea, to learn the habits, words and culture of sailors and to make new friends. We want to bring an amazing experience to everyone. 


This is a two hours activity that will have the sailing as the main axis of the discovery of the marine world. The second and fourth Saturday of each month will be held from 11 to 13 hours. Sailors' knots, paddle surf, kayak and other nautical disciplines that are looking for teaching you the way to enjoy the sea.




Duration: 2h.                                                                         Location

Minimum number of participants: 4

Maximum number of participants: 25

Ship to be used: collective boat, individual boats and windsurf


The service includes  

Use of changing rooms and showers/ Life jackets 



Sports clothing depending on the season:

- Summer and spring: swimsuit, shirt, a cap and sunscreen. 

- Autumn and winter: warm clothes and a windbreaker or waterproof jacket.